GJL Announces Two New Interns!

            This year we hired two interns for spring 2018, they will be joining us through May. They will be helping with social media, GJL supporter recruitment, community outreach efforts, conduct an advocacy campaign, helping us rebrand GJL, and aid in planning the 2018 Summer Institute.

            We are excited to announce Ramata and Mae as our 2018 Gender Justice Interns. Rama is a current sophomore at Temple University majoring in Media Studies and Production and is extremely excited to be an intern for Girls Justice League and build connections with young women who are passionate about implementing social change. Mae is a current Freshman at La Salle University majoring in Education and has several years experience working with young people, including as a classroom assistant, tutor, and education equity organizer. Check out their full bios on our website!

Thank You to Our Supporters!

This internship was made possible through a grant provided by the Helen B. O’Bannon Memorial Fund of the Philadelphia Foundation